Achieve your highest potential in our ever-changing world

Develop your innovation, collaboration, and resilience with Future Ready Minds
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what is future ready minds?

We provide unique science-based programs and counselling delivered directly to people of all ages.

Our variety of themed programs foster focus, gratitude, collaboration, adaptability, innovation, resilience, and life skills for all age groups.
We offer customized coaching packages to businesses and individuals who are ready to take the leap and optimize their skill sets.
We offer a wide range of counselling services for adults, teens, teens, and families. We also offer specialized services for workplace mental health.
what people are saying

"This class is amazing (Healthy Tech Habits). I never would be able to cover the information included in this, with my child. I don’t understand most of it myself, at least not in a way to explain it to him and goodness knows if he’d listen to it coming from me. Thank you for making these courses, camps and classes for our kids. This is must-know information, for children of their generation"

Keping Wu

Who We Are

We are a collective of passionate professionals from multiple disciplines including health, wellness, psychology, medicine, nutrition, business, and leadership. We provide unique science-based programs and counselling delivered directly to people of all ages.

These latest, “kitchen-tested” social-emotional-cognitive methods combine components of mindfulness, stress management, attention & innovation training, social skills development, and more.
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Benefits of FRM

Strengthen Your Head-Brain. Our programs nurture curiosity, questioning, and fresh ideas with a playful mindset.
Strengthen Your Heart-Brain. Others programs develop connection, communication, and collaborative leadership skills.
Strengthen Your Gut-Brain. Downtime programs incorporate mindfulness activities, attention training, and positive mental habits.

Our Founder Dr. Shimi Kang

Dr. Shimi Kang is an award-winning Harvard-trained doctor, researcher, media expert, keynote speaker, and author of the #1 national bestselling parenting book The Dolphin Parent.